Send Heartfelt Personalized Charity Any Occasion / Blank Cards & eCards supporting United Way of Southern Maine

Personalized Cards & eCards supporting United Way of Southern Maine

Every personalized card or e-card you send will help support and increase the amazing amount of work United Way of Southern Maine do. United Way of Southern Maine is where the community comes together to help children, individuals, and families in ways that create a brighter future for all.We are uniting individuals and organizations around our community's shared vision, Thrive2027, three 10-year goals to improve education, financial stability, and health for every person in Southern Maine.With community partners, we build on strategies that are known to achieve the best results, and we rigorously evaluate our progress. And, because we believe everyone has a role to play in building a thriving community, we actively seek to engage donors, advocates, and volunteers to create measurable, long-lasting community change.

Registered Number: 01-0241767

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