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Registered Number: 26-2650611
Registered Number: 71-0929252
African Vision of Hope is a Christian organization committed to bringing immediate and lasting solutions to children and families living in extreme poverty. We confront the root causes of poverty by providing opportunities to be educated, grow up healthy, develop leadership and economic skills and learn about God's love. Our faith in Jesus is central to who we are, and we follow His example in working alongside the poor and oppressed. Wherever we work, we identify ourselves as a Christian organization. We're honored to have a distinct role in building God's kingdom. That role is to demonstrate God's love and care in the world.
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For more information visit https://africanvisionofhope.org/
Registered Number: 94-3100052
AIM works to rescue, heal and empower survivors of trafficking to be free. This work doesn't stop at rescue. For survivors to truly heal and grow, they need to feel the unconditional, relentless love of Christ. When this love is shown, survivors understand their true worth and value, and then they are able to become abolitionists themselves; raising their voices and fighting for the freedom of other girls.In addition to this, our protection programs are targeting the root of the issue by addressing the demand for purchased sex and protecting the vulnerable in the community.
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For more information visit http://www.aimfree.org
Registered Number: 59-1595459
Alfalit is a faith-based, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization registered in the State of Florida. Founded in 1961 by missionaries Eulalia Cook, Justo & Luisa Gonzalez, Alfalit creates hope & opportunity through literacy & education to improve individual lives, raise self-esteem, and share the love of Jesus Christ. Our award-winning programs include literacy, basic education, preschool education, job skills training, & conversational English in 15 countries in Africa, Central & South America, & Europe. We compassionately target impoverished and often remote areas to help residents achieve a better life for themselves & their families. In the U.S., we offer a special program for immigrants in Spanish literacy & conversational English. Typically, we serve 45,000-50,000 students per year. Since its inception, Alfalit has taught over 8 million people to read and write.
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For more information visit https://www.alfalit.org/
Registered Number: 93-1052909
All God's Children International (AGCI) is an orphan care ministry answering God's call to provide the love and care that every child deserves. AGCI was founded in 1991 as a 501(c) non-profit by the Beazely family and is dedicated to changing lives for vulnerable children and families through proven initiatives that get to the heart of the orphan crisis. Our vision is to empower local leaders to intervene for the 8 million children living in institutions and create more paths to family and independence. Throughout our decades of service, we have always remained committed to putting the needs of children first. AGCI currently serves vulnerable children and families in Bulgaria, Burundi, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, the Philippines, South Africa, and the United States.
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For more information visit http://allgodschildren.org
Registered Number: 91-1704751
Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) is a faith-based nonprofit organization that helps Zambian mothers and caregivers raise safe kids, grow strong families, and build sustainable communities. Our U.S.-based team supports Zambian-led programs as ACE Zambia, an internationally recognized leader in family-based programs and child welfare within Southern Africa. We also provide consulting services in Southern Africa as ACE Transition Partners for institutions seeking to transition to family-based care.
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For more information visit http://www.childreneverywhere.org
Registered Number: 30-0247823
Core Values we deliver:Efficient and sustainable programs that promote self-reliance, with measurable resultsComprehensive services for children and their families/caregiversSupport in regions that are underserved and marginalized Mission:The American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA) is a non-profit organization providing critical support to infected and affected HIV+ children and their caregivers. Since 2005, in collaboration with our in-country partners, we have served tens of thousands of families in underserved and marginalized communities in Africa. Our areas of impact include: medical support, livelihoods, nutrition, educational support and emergency relief. Currently, AFCA is transforming lives in Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Hope is a spark that changes lives. AFCA provides hope to thousands of children in Africa.
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For more information visit http://www.AFCAids.org
Registered Number: 20-8202424
Registered Number: 59-6155008
The American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem (AFEDJ) is dedicated to transforming lives of the vulnerable and displaced in the Middle East through support of schools, hospitals, and centers for children with disabilities and raising awareness in the United States. AFEDJ was founded in 1988 as an independent, nonpolitical 501(c)(3) organization. As a partner to the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, AFEDJ is devoted to respect, human dignity, and the inherent value of each person.
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For more information visit http://afedj.org/
Registered Number: 13-3348313
The purpose of American Friends of The Israel Democracy Institute (AFIDI) is to influence public opinion and Israel's decision makers toward the development of a modern, democratic pluralistic Jewish state. The AFIDI supports the Israel Democracy Institute (IDI), founded in 1991 for the purpose of assisting in the important mission of fortifying Israel's democratic institutions and values, still in their formative stages. The IDI is an independent, nonpartisan think tank. The Institute offers politicians and government officials seeking professional and non-affiliated partners a venue for examining ideas and considering practical ways to implement them.
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For more information visit https://en.idi.org.il/
Registered Number: 41-1989714
American Relief Agency for the Horn of Africa's (AHARA) mission is to strive to alleviate the suffering from hunger, illiteracy, diseases, and poverty in the Horn of Africa, as well as help the east African community in Minnesota. The Horn of Africa has become the land of hunger, war, famine, and disease. The Horn of Africa is considered one of the poorest regions in the world, and ongoing droughts continue to plague this region. Long wars and ethnic conflicts have further complicated the already deplorable situation. The most recent United Nations studies estimate that 16 million people in the Horn of Africa are in urgent need of food and other humanitarian assistance.
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For more information visit https://www.araha.org/
Registered Number: 58-2484257
Founded in 1999, Amigos for Christ is an international non-profit organization. Our mission is to serve, so that Christ becomes more visible by providing opportunities for missionaries and impoverished families to grow through life-changing experiences. We strive to develop rural communities based on a model that brings clean water and sanitation, health care, education, and economic opportunities to families. Each year, we host over 2000 missionaries in Chinandega, Nicaragua. Working side by side with the communities, we bridge language and cultural barriers and offer hope and opportunity.
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For more information visit http://www.amigosforchrist.org/
Registered Number: 31-1468516
Registered Number: 20-0942434
Baitulmaal strives to aid the sick, aged, and helpless, children, orphans and widows, with plans to improve sanitation and prevent disease, to encourage social and domestic hygiene, and future plans to build, repair, and maintain schools across the globe. Baitulmaal is working very hard to touch the hearts and lives of people through its various programs and unique projects on the ground both here in the states and abroad. Our vision is to see people of all countries, leading healthy and productive lives above poverty level, and to bring a sense of security and hope for all.
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For more information visit http://www.baitulmaal.org
Registered Number: 64-0811705
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International (BMDMI) exists under the Lordship of Jesus Christ to evangelize the lost, disciple the saved, and minister to the needs of the poor. Since its founding in 1974, BMDMI has served the poor of Central America through short-term mission teams that offer medical-dental care, planting local churches, and preparing Christian leaders. BMDMI also operates Christian schools, children's homes for abused and abandoned children, a hospital and permanent clinics, and vocational training centers. The staff and 2,500+ volunteers of BMDMI have made Honduras and Nicaragua our mission field, caring for the body and soul as Christ calls us to do.
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For more information visit http://www.bmdmi.org
Registered Number: 23-2713126
Registered Number: 04-3138753
Registered Number: 26-0819262
Registered Number: 51-0376237
Registered Number: 25-1725738
Registered Number: 93-1148608
Child Foundation helps children in need, who have been identified as high achievers, to remain in school. Since 1994, Child Foundation has provided basic necessities to children living in poverty or hardship. By providing access to education, Child Foundation hopes to eliminate children prematurely leaving school, and, in certain countries, early matrimony. We believe that education can move a child beyond the stigma of poverty, and give that child the tools to reach his or her true potential.
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For more information visit http://www.childfoundation.org
Registered Number: 74-2630213
Child Legacy International is a Christian organization working in Africa to transform lives by providing opportunities that break the generational cycle of poverty and despair, and support each person's pursuit of their God-given destiny. Formerly known as Life Sowing Ministries, Child Legacy International (CLI) first began operating in Zimbabwe, Africa in 1987. Directed and founded by husband and wife team, Jeff and Karen Rogers, CLI has made great strides to bring opportunity to the people of Africa.
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For more information visit http://www.childlegacy.org/index.php
Registered Number: 42-1385361
Our mission is to change the world for hurting and forgotten children by giving them hope in the love of Jesus Christ. We do this by taking humanitarian and spiritual aid into the hard places where war, natural disasters and disease epidemics have devastated societies. These children in hard places know horrors most of our children have never even heard of. Food, shelter, medicine and education are not enough to heal their emotions. Many have been sexually abused or beaten. They need hope. Hope's name is Jesus! Our work currently focuses heavily on Swaziland, South Africa, Honduras, Mexico, Belize and the Dominican Republic.
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For more information visit http://www.childrenscup.org
Registered Number: 33-0430285
Children's HopeChest exists to glorify God by releasing the potential of orphaned and impoverished children and their communities. We do this through partnerships that cultivate sustainable two-way transformation. We connect communities in North America with communities of orphaned and vulnerable children overseas. Our unique Community-to-Community model leverages the power of relationships to see long-term, sustainable transformation occur in the lives of children and their surrounding communities.We seek to bring lasting, positive transformation to those we serve, and in turn, our communities in North America are impacted as well.
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For more information visit http://www.hopechest.org/
Registered Number: 74-2494806
REAL LIVES. REAL COMMUNITIES. REAL CHANGE: For over 30 years, CHOICE Humanitarian has worked with rural community members who face the many dimensions of poverty. We identify root-level opportunities and execute on poverty solutions that help unlock choice, build capacity, and cultivate resilience for community members. VISION: We envision a world in which people everywhere have the choice and the means to live in peace, prosperity and freedom. MISSION: CHOICE Humanitarian supports the efforts of people around the world to reduce global poverty and build self-reliant, resilient communities. VALUES: COLLABORATIVE, PROBLEM-DRIVEN AND SOLUTION-FOCUSED, UNIFYING, INNOVATIVE, TRANSPARENT, INCLUSIVE, IMPACTFUL
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For more information visit http://choicehumanitarian.org
Registered Number: 41-1560297
Common Hope promotes hope and opportunity in Guatemala, partnering with children, families, and communities who want to participate in a process of development to improve their lives through education, health care, and housing. The organization was established in 1986 by the Huebsch family, who made the difficult decision to leave friends, family, and a peaceful lifestyle to see what they could offer the people of Guatemala. Since then, Common Hope has grown into a dynamic organization serving more than 14,000 Guatemalan children and adults living in rural and urban poverty. With Common Hope, more than 2,500 young adults have graduated from high school with the skills for professional careers, in a country where the average adult drops out before sixth grade and survives on several dollars a day.
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For more information visit http://www.commonhope.org/
Registered Number: 30-0060905
The International Crisis Aid (DBA Crisis Aid International) mission is to assist in sustaining life, bring encouragement to those suffering and collaborate with other relief organizations in bringing necessary foods, materials and medicines to people in times of crisis, particularly where life and death situations exist. Additionally, we attempt to bring public awareness to these situations and to solicit citizen involvement whenever and wherever possible. All assistance and resources are traditionally secured in the country of need when possible, so as to develop relations with the local business people and foster a true spirit of cooperation.
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For more information visit http://www.crisisaid.org
Registered Number: 56-1400098
Curamericas Global partners with underserved communities to make measurable and sustainable improvements in their health and well-being. Formerly known as Andean Rural Health Care, Curamericas Global was created in 1983 with the goal of establishing primary health care programs that are responsive to the health needs of the community, improving child survival within the community, and building the national and local capacity of health service providers. Curamericas Global works in Guatemala and Liberia and plans to start a project in Sierra Leone in 2015. All Curamericas Global's programs focus on teaching prevention and also help to establish health clinics in areas of desperate need.
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For more information visit http://www.curamericas.org
Registered Number: 58-2359589
Founded in 1997, the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation is dedicated to improving the health, education, and quality of life for the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Foundation strives to accomplish this goal through an emphasis on primary health care and disease prevention, the promotion of health policy, health research and increased access to health care and education for the people of the Congo. The Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital and Research Center in Kinshasa provides special care to the nation's poorest residents and train its health professionals with the latest innovations in health care.
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For more information visit http://www.dmf.org
Registered Number: 04-3580644
Registered Number: 68-0230597
El Porvenir's mission is to partner with rural Nicaraguans to develop and implement lasting projects and educational programs that increase access to clean water. We do not initiate projects; staff members respond to requests for assistance from rural villages. Village residents elect their own project committee, provide all labor on a volunteer basis, and take responsibility for the long-term maintenance of all projects. We encourages the community to include women among the committee members. We provide technical expertise and training, lend tools, and fund the materials needed to complete the projects. Community health education staff visits the projects periodically after their completion to ensure villagers know how to properly maintain their projects.
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For more information visit https://www.elporvenir.org/
Registered Number: 33-0610787
Empowering Lives International (ELI) focuses on providing accessible and appropriate knowledge, delivered in a cost effective and appropriate manner, which holds the greatest amount of long-term economic and relational impact among the needy. Formed in 1994, ELI integrates God's Word with ideas and practical, strategic trainings that equip the needy to make all important strides toward God and away from the chokehold of poverty. We bring empowerment to the poor through Training and Education, Care for Orphans, and Community Investment.
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For more information visit http://www.empoweringlives.org/
Registered Number: 54-1371549
Founded in 1985, End Poverty works from a Christian motivation to give people in poor communities the tools to support themselves, contribute to their communities and build self-reliance. By providing basic business training and small loans, End Poverty enables the very poor to start or expand their own micro-businesses. Through these businesses, they earn an income, provide needed goods and services, creates jobs and become community leaders.End Poverty's model is simple but powerful.We invest the donations receive directly into small businesses in impoverished communities in the developing world. These donations are repaid and then recycled to other community members, multiplying the donation.
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For more information visit http://www.endpoverty.org
Registered Number: 74-2213629
Engineering Ministries International (EMI) is a Christian development organization made up of architects, engineers and design professionals who donate their skills to help children and families around the world step out of poverty and into a world of hope. Engineering Ministries International designs facilities (including buildings, roads, clean water projects and more) that directly impact communities by meeting physical needs and communicating God's love in a practical way. We partner with Christian workers, pastors, and other non-profits who have a vision to help the poor and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1982, we've worked on almost 800 relief and development projects in 80 countries. Last year, we worked on 74 projects, closed out many others and donated over 56,392 hours in services to our client partners.
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For more information visit http://emiworld.org
Registered Number: 23-7087997
Since 1970, Esperança has been providing health and hope for the world's poor through health and development projects and a volunteer surgical program in more than fourteen countries around the world, including the United States. Our mission is to improve health and provide hope for families in the poorest communities of the world through sustainable disease prevention, education and treatment. Each project is unique to the needs of that community, and we partner with local trusted agencies and community leaders at each project site to ensure that programs are culturally appropriate and build capacity. Esperança provides long-term solutions that promote sustainability and empowerment of the entire community.
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For more information visit http://www.esperanca.org/
Registered Number: 91-1585511
The mission of Esperanza International is to free children and their families from poverty through initiatives that generate income, education and health, restoring self-worth and dignity to those who have lost hope. Esperanza's programs are set up through our Integral Development Model (IDM), which consists of four strategic programs for human development and transformation: 1) Microfinance Services 2) Education and Vocational Training 3) Health Care 4) Community Development. Esperanza focuses on long-lasting solutions that enable families to help themselves.
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For more information visit http://www.esperanza.org
Registered Number: 58-2610409
Extreme Response International is a humanitarian organization committed to investing in the lives of vulnerable to help them break free from generational poverty. From locations in Ecuador, South Africa and the Philippines, we operate programs that provide education reinforcement, life skills & livelihood training and leadership development to people in high-poverty communities, with a particular emphasis on high-risk children and women.
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For more information visit http://www.ExtremeResponse.org
Registered Number: 91-1746258
Registered Number: 13-6165672
The mission of the French-American Cultural Exchange Foundation (FACE) is to further international understanding by fostering French American cultural exchange and supporting contemporary creative work in the arts and education. FACE works to develop and support relationships between professionals in all creative fields, and to encourage collaborative projects between cultural and educational institutions. FACE combines the strengths of both the French and American systems of supporting the arts and education in one common initiative.
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For more information visit http://face-foundation.org/
Registered Number: 81-0455105
Feed My Hungry Children (FMHC) helps stand in the gap to provide the things that needy, hurting people may need to survive and become self-sufficient. FMHC's humanitarian projects are committed to helping children and their families around the world. Our relief efforts are focused on: providing education, clothing, food, and medical help to school age children; providing health and nutritional training for families and parents of deprived children; helping communities through micro-enterprise and sustainable gardening projects; providing nutritious food to school children; engaging in community development projects to help impoverished families work toward self-sufficiency; and providing education, food, nutritional training, clothing, medical help, and other necessities of life to those in need, including impoverished children and their families.
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For more information visit http://www.feedmhc.org/
Registered Number: 56-2189635
Free the Slaves changes the conditions that allow slavery to persist. We launched in 2000 to sound the alarm that slavery still exists, why it does, where it is worst, and to galvanize a worldwide response. We have crafted a global blueprint for change to inform governments, international institutions, faith communities, businesses and the public what they can do to help end slavery. We're now implementing community-based strategies that help vulnerable communities resist enslavement. We are demonstrating that our model works and we're showing others how to use it. We have freed 14,000 people from slavery so far. Through innovative grassroots community organizing projects, rigorous evaluation and groundbreaking research, targeted advocacy, compelling communications and public engagement, Free the Slaves is showing the world that ending slavery is possible.
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For more information visit http://www.freetheslaves.net/
Registered Number: 26-0073580
Give To Colombia (G2C) is a US-based non-profit organization and intelligence hub for Colombian non-profit entities, which ensures that donors get the most return for their investment. G2C aims to create, promote and facilitate alliances between international donors and Colombian grassroots organizations. We advise donors in how to channel grants, talents and technologies to achieve scalable, sustainable and high impact projects. We deliver world-class expertise in project identification, monitoring, advising services, and transparent grant management for achieving maximum impact on every dollar channeled to Colombian philanthropic activities. Our work helps to optimize the social impact of private and institutional donors.
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For more information visit http://www.givetocolombia.org
Registered Number: 84-1612422
Registered Number: 52-1629060
Global Links is a medical relief and development organization dedicated to supporting health improvement initiatives in resource-poor communities and promoting environmental stewardship in the US healthcare system.Global Links' collaborative efforts include:1. Redirecting still-useful materials away from US landfills to support public health programs in targeted communities throughout the Western Hemisphere2. Sharing expertise and technical knowledge with international and domestic partners3. Educating partners, volunteers, and the community on issues of global health and environmental stewardship
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For more information visit http://www.globallinks.org
Registered Number: 43-1957920
Grassroot Soccer (GRS) is an international adolescent health organization that educates, inspires and mobilizes youth in developing countries to overcome their greatest health challenges and live healthier, more productive lives. GRS uses the power of soccer to connect young people with the mentors, information, and health services they need to thrive, and empowers adolescents to make educated choices about pressing health challenges such as HIV/AIDS, sexual health, gender-based violence, and malaria. GRS's evidence-based programs, led by trained local mentors (Caring Coaches), incorporate soccer into dynamic lessons about health and wellness that engage young people and break down cultural barriers. With proven results and a constant focus on research and innovation, GRS has reached over 2 million young people in nearly 50 countries with adolescent-friendly health education.
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For more information visit http://www.grassrootsoccer.org/
Registered Number: 04-2791159
Grassroots International works to create a just and sustainable world by building alliances with progressive movements. We provide grants to our Global South partners and join them in advocating for social change. Our primary focus is on land, water and food as human rights and nourishing the political struggle necessary to achieve these rights. Grassroots is a human rights and international development organization that supports community-led sustainable development projects. Since 1983 we have worked in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, concentrating our efforts in areas where U.S. foreign policy has been an obstacle to positive change and where creative grassroots movements build local solutions to global problems.
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For more information visit http://www.grassrootsonline.org
Registered Number: 20-1507669
The purpose of Hagar is singular; we restore broken lives. We welcome the toughest of human conditions. We stay focused on the individual. And we want to see communities free and healed from the trauma of slavery. trafficking and abuse. Hagar is a global Christian organization that operates commercial and non-profit entities and engages in private and public sector partnerships in pursuit of its mission to restore women and children who suffer extreme human rights abuse to life in all its fullness.
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For more information visit https://hagarusa.org/
Registered Number: 61-1352889
Hand in Hand Ministries is a local, regional and international organization working hand in hand with individuals and communities to transform lives by responding to expressed needs through cultural immersion, education, housing and health care. Our Vision: We believe that building strong communities around the world begins at home.We provide resources for the economically vulnerable through our on-going programs that focus on safe housing, education, and health care and by forming partnerships with local organizations and individuals in the regions where we have year-round operations. Our hope is that those we serve may one day become self-sufficient and enabled to help others. An important part of what we do is offer people the opportunity for hands-on experiences through our unique program of immersion trips. It is our hope that volunteers will return from their trip experience inspired to build a more just world - one family at a time. In all that we do, we seek to build community.
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For more information visit http://www.myhandinhand.org
Registered Number: 62-1585366
Incorporated in 1994, Healing Hands International (HHI) works to save lives and relieve suffering through the distribution of humanitarian aid in order to bring hope to all people, to provide information and awareness of worldwide medical and humanitarian needs; thus, providing a broader opportunity for contributors and volunteers, to ship to areas where God receives the glory and the local church receives the recognition, and to work in the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace with churches of Christ and their church related ministries. HHI has shipped to over 70 different countries in need. With a total number of over 300 shipments, it is easy to see God's hand at work in the ministry.
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For more information visit http://www.hhi.org/
Registered Number: 63-0738632
Founded in 1973 in Birmingham, Alabama, Health Talents International is a non-profit Christian organization that works within the Churches of Christ to promote medical evangelism in developing countries. As Christians, we feel that God expects us to use our talents, medical and otherwise, in His service. (Matthew 25). Through medical evangelism in Central America, HTI will nurture self-supporting and self-replicating bodies of Christ. Our programs include: training and teaching programs, ABC and scholarship programs, medical, dental and surgical clinics, and the MET program.
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For more information visit http://www.healthtalents.org
Registered Number: 36-4509500
Heart for Africa is a faith-based non-profit 501(c)3 public charity. Working alongside churches in Eswatini, we are providing care and hope for a future for children in this small African nation. Through short term service trips, child sponsorship, and large fund raising programs, we are working to deliver quality care, shelter, food, water, clothing, health care, and education to the orphaned and vulnerable children of Eswatini. Heart for Africa is developing a place of hope in Eswatini called Project Canaan. Project Canaan is a 2,500 acre large-scale land development project being designed by business people to come alongside Africans and bring expertise, resources and hearts together to find a holistic solution to a complex set of issues. It is providing training and employment, growing large amounts of food to stimulate the local economy and allowing for export while supporting orphans and vulnerable children on the property and across the nation.
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For more information visit https://heartforafrica.org/
Registered Number: 26-0354460
Founded in 2007, Heart for Lebanon's mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Heart for Lebanon believes transformation is a process, not an event. Rather unique among the relief work in Lebanon is our three-prong approach to care: transactional relief, relational engagement, and transformational results. Heart for Lebanon currently serves a total of 3,000 refugee and at-risk families throughout Lebanon on a monthly basis through the Relief & Community Care Initiative and Children at Risk Initiative. Heart for Lebanon's desired outcome is to move people from despair to hope.
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For more information visit https://www.heartforlebanon.org/
Registered Number: 41-1878721
Help the Helpless is dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor children in Southern India. Help the Helpless supports St. Mary's School and Orphanage for handicapped, deaf, orphaned, abandoned and poor children living in severe poverty. Help the Helpless was started in 1969 by Fr. Antony, a Catholic Priest who has devoted his life to serving the poor. Since St. Mary's opened its doors in 1969, they have provided physical, emotional, spiritual, educational and financial help for hundreds of handicapped and poor children, providing these young people with the tools they need to be self-sufficient. St. Mary's School and Orphanage welcomes all visitors and invites you to visit and stay with us in India, free of charge.
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For more information visit http://www.helpthehelpless.org
Registered Number: 76-0729857
Registered Number: 03-0362926
The Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP) works to eradicate preventable and curable blindness through high quality ophthalmic care, education and the establishment of a world-class eye care infrastructure. At the core of HCP's work is its goal to achieve high-quality, low-cost eye care that can be sustained in the developing world for the long-term. HCP trains local eye care teams with methodologies optimized for the developing world. All training and education hinges on maximizing the capacity of eye care staff at all levels. This allows for the expansion of efficient eye care delivery, an increased number of patients treated, and an increased number of trained eye care specialists who can then train future eye care providers.
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For more information visit http://www.cureblindness.org/
Registered Number: 47-1686704
Registered Number: 31-1811917
Hope For Haiti's Children (HFHC) is a faith-based organization founded in 1995 in order to demonstrate Christian compassion to poverty-bound Haitian children and their families, providing opportunities for these children to become leaders in their homes, churches, and communities. Today, there are over 2,035 children sponsored in ten different schools associated with churches of Christ in central and southern Haiti. Currently Hope for Haiti's Children average 275 new students per year to the Child Education Sponsorship program. HFHC follows a sustainable approach in this work, having established an in-country network of trusted local Christian educators, business leaders, and other professionals who carry out the day-to-day operations.
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For more information visit http://hopeforhaitischildren.org/
Registered Number: 75-3179471
Hope for Justice exists to bring an end to modern slavery by preventing exploitation, rescuing victims, restoring lives, and reforming society. We have developed global policies to set consistent standards throughout our operations and those most
relevant to modern slavery. We believe freedom is worth the fight. We believe justice is non-negotiable. We refuse to abandon the least, the last and the lost. We challenge apathy with action. We choose to greet cynicism with hope. We are purposeful, passionate and pioneering. Our vision is to live in a world free from slavery.
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For more information visit https://hopeforjustice.org/
Registered Number: 36-4184940
The Human Development Foundation of North America (HDF) was formed in 1997 to facilitate a non-political movement for a positive social change and community empowerment through mass literacy, enhanced quality of education, universal primary health care and grassroots economic development. In the past ten years, HDF has worked towards the goals of health and human development in Pakistan. We accomplish this through programs in the areas of community empowerment, education, healthy families, self help infrastructure improvements and economic self-sufficiency. For the past decade, HDF has helped more than 1.5 million of the most underprivileged people in all four provinces of Pakistan.
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For more information visit https://www.hdf.com/
Registered Number: 20-0464012
Humanity First USA is dedicated to serving humanity and safeguarding human life and human dignity. As an international humanitarian relief and development non-profit organization with 52 independent chapters globally, it's our goal to reduce suffering as much as possible. To achieve that goal, we focus on three main objectives: Relieve suffering caused by natural disasters and human conflict; promote peace and understanding based upon mutual tolerance and respect; and strengthen people's capacity to help themselves.
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For more information visit https://usa.humanityfirst.org/
Registered Number: 52-1555563
IDRF's mission is to empower marginalized people with skills, services and infrastructure grounded in sustainable development. We provide support for programs that improve education, healthcare, women empowerment, governance, and eco-friendly livelihoods at grass-roots level in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Moreover, IDRF converts natural disasters into opportunities for long-term development of the affected communities. Our programs are implemented by carefully-vetted and experienced local NGOs.
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For more information visit http://www.idrf.org
Registered Number: 93-1164757
India Partners is an international and humanitarian organization providing life-changing care to children and families living in extreme poverty in India. We helped to meet the needs of people suffering without food, education, shelter, medical care, and more. We serve all regardless of caste, religion, gender, or creed. We empower compassionate people to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children and families struggling in poverty. From providing a water well in a village to rescuing a child from the red-light districts, we provide you with various opportunities to transform lives and help people in desperate need.
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For more information visit https://indiapartners.org/
Registered Number: 23-3042456
The Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) catalyzes freedom of faith worldwide so that everyone has the ability to live what they believe. We have three main pillars to our approach:I) The teachings of Jesus: We believe, share and live what Jesus taught us-love, acceptance and reconciliation lived in a way that compels engagement and understanding for all.II) Religious Freedom: Committed to universal human dignity, we work for a future when all people, of any faith or no faith, have freedom of belief and equal citizenship. We spread the truth that religious freedom is integral to a flourishing society and a stable state.III) Relational Diplomacy: We overcome obstacles of culture and religion by creating and nurturing mutually beneficial relationships, inviting all viewpoints to the table, working together as partners for the common good.
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For more information visit http://www.globalengage.org/
Registered Number: 23-7348277
Established in 1973, International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) brings glory to God by offering help and hope to our hurting world.I.D.E.S. seeks to meet the physical and spiritual needs of suffering people throughout the world in the name of Jesus.We work in partnership with Christian Churches / Churches of Christ in the U.S. and their missionaries overseas.Our projects fall into one of five "Focus Areas": Disaster assistance, Hunger relief, Medical care, Development, and Evangelism. Nearly all our projects touch on the priority of caring for the poor, the sick, the hungry and the homeless (see Matthew 25:31ff) . This is at the center of our mission and purpose.
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For more information visit http://www.ides.org/
Registered Number: 52-0742301
Founded in 1961, the mission of International Eye Foundation (IEF) has been to prevent blindness and restore vision in the developing world. IEF's programs focuses on four key areas: confronting the leading causes of blindness in the developing world - cataract, trachoma, onchocerciasis, and vitamin A deficiency; reducing the cost barriers associated with purchasing necessary ophthalmic equipment and supplies; providing additional technical training for local nurses and ophthalmologists in developing nations; and improving management structures and financial stability of local eye clinics and hospitals.
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For more information visit http://www.iefusa.org
Registered Number: 34-1811907
International Samaritan partners with victims of severe poverty living in garbage dump communities by providing access to education, housing, food, and medical care. International Samaritan encourages everyone to follow the example of the Good Samaritan, who stopped, and changed a life. Garbage dump communities are filled with men, women, children, and infants who live their lives and scrap together and existence in the most horrific conditions. Displaced by war, civil unrest, natural disasters, and other circumstances beyond their control, they need us to stop and help. Annually, we serve over 25,000 individuals across the globe. The families that we partner with in garbage dump communities have higher incomes, greater safety, better health care, and higher levels of education due to our programs. Through the contributions of generous donors and the hands of volunteers working with local partners, IS has helped tens of thousands of people on their journey.
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For more information visit http://intsam.org/
Registered Number: 99-0256147
Incorporated in 1987, the mission of the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii (JCCH) is to be a vibrant resource, strengthening our diverse community by educating present and future generations in the evolving Japanese American experience in Hawai'i. We do this through relevant programming, meaningful community service and innovative partnerships that enhance the understanding and celebration of our heritage, culture and love of the land. To guide us in this work we draw from the values found in our Japanese American traditions and the spirit of Aloha.
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For more information visit http://www.jcch.com/
Registered Number: 36-4630658
Justice & Mercy International (JMI) is a faith-based organization that exists to make justice personal for the poor, the orphaned and the forgotten of the world. We primarily work in Moldova in Eastern Europe and in the Amazon region of Brazil and we do our work through programs that have the Good News of Jesus at their core. Our programs usually fall into one of the following categories: Crisis/Family Care, Pastoral Training & Equipping, Vulnerable Child/Teen Care, and Church Mobilization (Mission Trips). We are a vehicle for individuals and churches who want to make a tangible, personal difference on behalf of the poor, the orphaned, and the forgotten people of the world.
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For more information visit https://justiceandmercy.org/
Registered Number: 75-2999028
KinderUSA was founded in 2002 by a group of American physicians and humanitarian relief workers. KinderUSA is an acronym for Kids in Need of Development, Education, and Relief that strives to develop creative solutions to long-standing problems believing that all children are entitled to their inherent rights of survival, health, shelter and education. KinderUSA puts into action programs to ensure these rights are not forgotten. KinderUSA is committed to helping children in need wherever the call may come from across the globe, as guided by our donors. Currently, our work is focused on the children in the West Bank, Gaza and the Palestinian refugees living in refugee camps in Lebanon.
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For more information visit https://www.kinderusa.org/
Registered Number: 36-4395095
Kinship United is dedicated to the rescue of orphans and widows through third world church planting and orphan outreach. Kinship United offers a fresh, dynamic approach to confront the world orphan crisis, through establishing and supporting church-based Family Homes. Every home shares a building with the local Christian church. The orphan children live on the top level with the caregivers, while the ground level is where the church and community meet. The homes provide beneficial, nurturing, holistic care to parentless infants, children, and adolescents. Kinship United operates homes in Kenya, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Uganda.
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For more information visit https://kinshipunited.org
Registered Number: 36-6072039
The Kiwanis Children's Fund serves as the fundraising and grant making arm of Kiwanis International, a 670,000-member global service organization dedicated to serving the children of the world. KCF awards grants to Kiwanis-family clubs, districts, and district foundations. The organization's grants help fund: the Global Campaign for Children; Kiwanis-family youth initiatives and service projects benefiting children; youth scholarships; Kiwanis-family disaster relief efforts; and programs to recognize excellence in youth leadership. As reported by KCF, Kiwanis International and UNICEF currently partner on the Global Campaign for Children - The Eliminate Project - to help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus.
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For more information visit http://www.kiwanis.org/childrensfund
Registered Number: 02-0587875
Life in Abundance (LIA) exists to mobilize the local Church and restore health, renew hope and inspire lasting transformation for Africa's most vulnerable families. Our transformational development model utilizes an integrated approach that cultivates local leadership through the Church and requires the participation and ownership from the community itself. LIA approaches each community with a long-term vision - one that will enable church partners to meet the urgent needs of a community, but will also empower the community for the future.
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For more information visit http://www.lifeinabundance.org
Registered Number: 20-2882711
OUR MISSION & VISIONPromote, strengthen and advance programs that have a focus on health and wellness for children in Baja California Sur, so they can have a better quality of life.THE PRINCIPLES THAT GUIDE USRESPECT for life and for all human beingsCOLLABORATION because together we achieve greater impactEXCELLENCE to fulfill our mission effectivelySERVICE in the favor of the most vulnerable in our communityJOY to celebrate the lives of childrenLOVE for our causeGRATITUDE towards our communityHOPE to change the world, one child at a time!!
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For more information visit http://www.loscaboschildren.org/
Registered Number: 71-0982808
Love Justice International, formerly Tiny Hands International, was born with the opening of Salvation Children's Home in Chitwan, Nepal in 2004. Our mission is sharing the love of Jesus Christ by fighting the world's greatest injustices. We care for orphaned and abandoned children in family homes and operate schools in some of the poorest parts of the world. And because human trafficking is one of the most devastating and inhumane crimes in the world today, our unique transit monitoring strategy operates around the world. We train and place monitors at borders and transit points to identify and stop trafficking as it is occurring BEFORE people are exploited and sold into slavery. To date, we've intercepted over 23,000 individuals to prevent them from being trafficked. Through our data analysis and investigations, we've helped authorities arrest hundreds of suspected traffickers, and 53% of closed cases have resulted in convictions.
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For more information visit https://www.lovejustice.ngo/
Registered Number: 06-1710161
Registered Number: 68-0652444
MAIA (formerly Starfish) is committed to unlocking and maximizing the potential of young women to lead transformational change. MAIA measures the impact and success of our programs through four overarching organizational goals that are in line with our continuous pursuit of the question "how far can she go?" All of our programming and innovation is aligned with these areas of impact, and each goal is monitored through incremental growth measured annually to ensure each Girl Pioneer is on a trajectory to meet her true potential.
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For more information visit https://www.maiaimpact.org/
Registered Number: 20-5664575
Registered Number: 33-1215331
Mary's Meals provides one good meal to some of the world's poorest children every school day. We are a global movement supported by people from many walks of life and different backgrounds.
Our mission is to enable people to offer their money, goods, skills, time, or prayer, and through this involvement, provide the most effective help to those suffering the effects of extreme poverty in the world's poorest communities. We welcome all into the Mary's Meals family and we believe everyone has something important to contribute to the realization of our vision.
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For more information visit https://www.marysmealsusa.org/
Registered Number: 20-1257910
Meds & Food for Kids is dedicated to meeting the essential nutritional needs of malnourished children, pregnant and nursing women, and school children using Ready-to-Use-Therapeutic Foods (RUTFs) produced in our factory in Cap-Haitien, Haiti.By transferring skills and knowledge to our Haitian workers and engaging farmers to source local raw materials, we break the cycle of poverty and sustainably stimulate economic development.
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For more information visit https://mfkhaiti.org/
Registered Number: 43-1536498
Our mission is to lift generations in developing countries by leading individuals and families from poverty to sustainable self-reliance through personalized mentoring, learning of vocational skills, and financial solutions.in developing countries wanting to break their cycle of poverty. Using our Mentoring Multiplier, Service Currency, and our No Dollar Dies principles we create lasting change through our mentoring, business training, job-focused vocational courses, and micro-loans. Every dollar that's donated creates approximately 3.5 X the economic impact for a mentored family. Serving in 10 countries and impacting over 30,000 families each year.During our 2020 Fiscal Year, the average increase of income for a mentored individual was 159%. 14,801 new jobs were created. 90% of micro-loan recipients are women and $132 was the average size of a new loan.
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For more information visit https://mentorsinternational.org/
Registered Number: 20-5050449
Founded in 2006, Mercy Chefs is a faith-based, non-profit disaster relief organization. We exist to serve professionally prepared meals for victims, volunteers and first responders in national emergencies and natural disasters and are committed to using our resources to meet the needs of others. We respond to natural disasters and national emergencies at a moment's notice. In our response, our professional chefs prepare high-quality, hot meals on a mass scale for victims, first-responders and volunteers. In addition, we have provided relief in eight nations following disasters and during critical humanitarian crisis.
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For more information visit https://mercychefs.com/
Registered Number: 58-1657207
Mustard Seed focuses on the care of the most vulnerable by serving marginalized communities throughout Jamaica, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Zimbabwe, and Malawi. Mustard Seed Communities now cares for over 600 children and adults with disabilities, over 100 children affected by HIV/AIDS, and a single home for young mothers in crisis. MSC strives to improve the economic, social and spiritual conditions in the communities we serve.
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For more information visit http://www.mustardseed.com/
Registered Number: 52-1296502
Founded in 1983, the National Council on US-Arab Relations is an American educational organization dedicated to improving American awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the Arab countries, the Mideast, and the Islamic world. Its means for doing so encompass but are not limited to programs for leadership development, people-to-people exchanges, lectures, publications, an annual Arab-U.S. policymakers conference, and the participation of American students and faculty in Arab world study experiences. The National Council's vision is a relationship between the United States and its Arab partners, friends, and allies that rests on as solid and enduring a foundation as possible.
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For more information visit http://ncusar.org/
Registered Number: 43-1550318
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc. (NCMI) equips the faith community, mobilizing public and private resources to eliminate poverty and its root causes. NCMI has a network of 30 international non-government organizations and more than 180 domestic faith-based organizations that develop humanitarian projects to effectively address poverty issues. NCMI operates a service organization based on a nationwide volunteer network that assists persons and communities victimized by natural and man-made disasters called Nazarene Disaster Response.
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For more information visit http://www.ncmi.org/
Registered Number: 20-5659783
Not For Sale has built the world's first proven solution to modern slavery. Through our global projects — in places like Peru, Thailand, and Amsterdam — our members have fed, housed, and educated hundreds of thousands of people affected by human trafficking and forced labor. Food, shelter, and medical care are enough to survive. But that doesn't satisfy us when it comes to the people we serve. The members of Not For Sale are committed to the personal growth of the people we serve — so that they can independently support themselves and lead others through similar struggles.
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For more information visit http://www.notforsalecampaign.org/
Registered Number: 26-1250716
Registered Number: 26-3717278
OneWorld Health provides quality, affordable healthcare to people in need. We are revolutionizing the approach to medical intervention in the developing world by moving beyond relief to achieve long-term improvements in health. In a world where nearly half the population lives on less than $2 per day (Source: UN, 2016), socialized healthcare systems are overcrowded, poorly equipped and underfunded. By creating sustainable medical centers that offer low-cost services, OneWorld Health is increasing accessibility to high-quality healthcare and empowering communities for a healthy tomorrow.
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For more information visit https://www.oneworldhealth.com
Registered Number: 54-1983817
Registered Number: 81-0530827
Orphan's Lifeline of Hope International was founded as Lifeline of Hope in 2000 and works to bring hope to the orphans of the world. We do this by providing food, shelter, medical care, children's Bibles, educational assistance, adoption services and more in a manner that breaks the cycle of dependence and promotes individual and societal productivity as well as charitable character within the community. We get results that are both measurable, effective and efficient and provide evidence and security to our doors through our reporting, due diligence and on-going assessments of the orphan children's homes we provide for.
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For more information visit http://www.orphanslifeline.org/
Registered Number: 43-1164177
Registered Number: 58-2197227
Outreach360 was originally incorporated in 1995 as Orphanage Outreach to assist an orphanage in the Dominican Republic. As the Orphanage Outreach volunteer program grew, more and more volunteer effort was expended on disadvantaged neighboring communities. The focus was on education-English, literacy, and community health. To more accurately represent our community efforts, Orphanage Outreach began doing business as Outreach360 in 2011. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we began to work virtually in 2020 and have now transformed into a virtual program. Serve Virtually. Impact Globally. Our Mission: Our mission is to inspire and empower people to reach their full potential and give back by expanding educational, leadership, and service opportunities. Our Virtual Impact Program connects volunteers from across the globe with students throughout Latin America, who attend our after-school Virtual English Academy free of charge.
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For more information visit https://outreach360.org/
Registered Number: 93-1057665
The Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) is a non-political organization established in 1991 by concerned people in the U.S. to address the medical and humanitarian crisis facing Palestinian youths in the Middle East. The main objective of the PCRF is to identify and treat every child in the Middle East in need of specialized surgery not available to them locally. We locate, sponsor and run volunteer medical missions to the Middle East in adult and pediatric cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, maxillofacial surgery, pediatric urology, ophthalmology, vascular surgery, pediatric orthopedic surgery, occupational therapy, and other specialties. Since our founding, over 800 children have been, or currently are being treated, outside of the Middle East through the PCRF.
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For more information visit http://www.pcrf.net/
Registered Number: 52-1554826
Registered Number: 62-1852946
People for Care and Learning (PCL) was founded in 2002 as a humanitarian organization created to provide care and learning opportunities around the world. They are dedicated to serving the poor by helping children, widows and their communities worldwide reach their full potential by giving the poor a working chance. PCL seeks to serve the poor by providing opportunities for impoverished people to transform their lives through schools, feeding centers, orphan and widow care, vocational training, leadership development, basic business education and micro-enterprise opportunities. For over a decade, PCL has been moving into neighborhoods throughout Southeast Asia and the United States inspiring hope, extending justice and giving the poor a working chance.
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For more information visit http://www.pcl.is/
Registered Number: 03-0358029
To use entertainment-education and mass media to promote social and cultural change by addressing the interconnected issues of the full rights of women and girls, population, and the environment. Our goals are to empower people to live healthier and more prosperous lives and to stabilize global population at a level at which people can live sustainably with the world's renewable resources. Our vision is a sustainable planet with equal rights for all.
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For more information visit http://www.populationmedia.org
Registered Number: 74-2477089
The Rafiki Foundation is a Christian organization whose goal is to help Africans know God and raise their standard of living. It was established in 1985 by Rosemary Jensen and other who desired to help Africans with Bible teaching and development. To accomplish its mission, Rafiki established ten Rafiki Training Villages within the African countries of Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, and Ethiopia. These Villages provide living, educational, and medical facilities through Rafiki's five programs: Childcare (orphans), Education, Bible Study, Advanced Learning Institute, and Widows. Rafiki's work is both individual as well as exponential with the potential of reaching many children with Bible study and better education through its Rafiki Institute of Classical Education. Rafiki's K-12 Christian classical curriculum and teacher training is designed to create new private Christian classical schools throughout the ten countries in Africa.
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For more information visit http://www.rafikifoundation.org/
Registered Number: 13-4045245
Right To Play is a global organization committed to improving the lives of children and youth affected by conflict, disease and poverty. Established in 2000, Right To Play has pioneered a unique play-based approach to learning and development which focuses on quality education, life skills, health, gender equality, child protection and building peaceful communities. With programming in 16 countries, Right To Play transforms the lives of more than one million children each week, both inside and outside of the classroom. In addition to our work with children, Right To Play advocates with parents, local communities, and governments to advance the fundamental rights of all children.
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For more information visit http://www.righttoplayusa.org
Registered Number: 01-0532835
Founded in 1999, Safe Passage works with the poorest at-risk children of families working in the Guatemala City garbage dump. Within a safe and caring environment, we provide a comprehensive and integrated program that fosters hope, good health, educational achievement, self-sufficiency, self esteem and confidence. Our primary focus is on creating opportunities and dignity through the power of education. Since its founding, Safe Passage has grown from educating 40 children to over 500. It represents a community comprised of children and their families living at the Guatemala City dump, a dedicated local Guatemalan staff, and caring sponsors and volunteers from Guatemala and around the world.
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For more information visit https://www.safepassage.org/?no_lredirect=true
Registered Number: 14-1880905
Samaritan's Feet is a 501(c)(3) humanitarian aid organization that shares a message of hope and love through washing the feet of impoverished children around the world and adorning them with new shoes. There are an estimated 2.2 billion people worldwide living in poverty and more than 1.5 billion who suffer from foot borne diseases. The goal of Samaritan's Feet is to create a world with zero shoeless children. Since its founding by Manny Ohonme in 2003, Samaritan's Feet and its partners have served over 8.3 million children in 108 nations and more than 450 U.S. cities. For more information about Samaritan's Feet International, visit www.SamaritansFeet.org.
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For more information visit http://www.samaritansfeet.org
Registered Number: 52-1814447
Seeds of Peace inspires and cultivates new generations of global leaders in communities divided by conflict. We equip them with the skills and relationships they need to accelerate social, economic, and political changes essential for peace.Our approach focuses on personal transformation and then wider societal change. Our leadership development model begins with a transformational camp session in Maine. The program shifts attitudes and perceptions and builds respect and empathy.After graduating from Camp, participants build on their experiences through local year-round leadership development programs that strengthen relationships and leadership capacities.We then accelerate the impact of our alumni who are challenging the ideologies, policies, and practices that perpetuate conflict through fellowships and convenings.Our network now encompasses over 6,000 alumni in the Middle East, South Asia, Europe and the United States who are uniquely positioned to lead change.
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For more information visit http://www.seedsofpeace.org
Registered Number: 20-0638718
Sewa International's mission is to serve humanity in distress, aid local communities, run developmental projects for the underserved, and assist people in transformational change through the power of innovation by mobilizing partners, donors, and volunteers. Sewa International is a Hindu faith-based, humanitarian, nonprofit service organization which specializes in disaster relief and rehabilitation. Our development programs focus on family services; child, tribal and refugee welfare; women empowerment; health; and education. In addition to our work in the US, we have undertaken development projects in Colombia, Guyana, India, Kenya, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
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For more information visit https://sewausa.org/
Registered Number: 22-2458395
The Share and Care Foundationâ„¢, born 1982 in New Jersey, is the brainchild of a small group of Indian-Americans. SCF began with a very simple idea: Convert what is considered "waste" in the Western world into much needed help in the East.The idea became a reality when good quality used clothes and equipment-considered obsolete in the West but a huge leap forward in remote areas of the East-were soon being included in shipments. These supplies dramatically improved the quality of care in charitable hospitals. From its infancy, we realized the benefits of volunteerism. SCF volunteers see ourselves as catalysts, promoting low-cost, high-return programs at the grass-roots level, which have grown exponentially in last several years. We have been successful and instrumental in rebuilding lives in the rural communities of India where the government or the big nonprofits had little success. Our collaborative attitude and deep understanding of the rural issues helped overcome many challenges.
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For more information visit http://www.shareandcare.org/
Registered Number: 20-0471604
Every year, millions of families around the world are made homeless because of humanitarian crises and disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, storms, droughts, and floods. ShelterBox is an international, nonprofit organization that responds immediately, by providing humanitarian relief in the form of emergency shelter and supplies that bring hope, independence, and a sense of normalcy to the most vulnerable people.Since 2000, the organization has delivered boxes of emergency shelter and other essential household supplies such as tents, water filters, stoves, blankets, solar lights, and other tools to help families survive and rebuild their homes and lives in the aftermath of more than 300 disasters in over 100 countries worldwide.ShelterBox was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 and 2019 for our work in conflict zones. In 2021, Shelterbox reached the milestone of providing life-saving aid to more than 2 million people.
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For more information visit http://www.shelterboxusa.org/
Registered Number: 20-1687786
Registered Number: 56-2600599
Splash is at the forefront of a growing movement to ensure that children in urban poverty have the resources they need to thrive and realize their full potential. We design child-focused water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH), and menstrual health solutions for governments in some of the world's biggest, low-resource cities.Splash now serves over six hundred thousand kids in eight countries in Asia and Africa. In 2017, we achieved a ten-year milestone of reaching every orphanage in China with water filtration systems, serving 1,100 orphanages across the country, while benefiting 190,000 children and adults. In addition, Splash projects have benefited 70% of the school children in Kathmandu, Nepal. Now, we are on track to ensure WASH coverage at 100% of schools in Kolkata, India, and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, through our most ambitious initiative yet: Project WISE (WASH in Schools for Everyone).
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For more information visit http://splash.org/
Registered Number: 74-3087284
The Tanzanian Children's Fund works to ensure that all children and families in the Karatu region of northern Tanzania lead healthy and productive lives and have the opportunity to become positive agents of change for their country. In order to achieve our goals, TCF provides a loving and permanent home for marginalized children at the Rift Valley Children's Village. However, TCF also recognizes that the best way to promote the well-being of all children is to provide access to high-quality education, free healthcare, and microfinance trainings and loans to the entire community. Our innovative, multi-pronged approach to addressing systemic poverty is what has enabled us to have a deep impact and catalyze real and lasting change.
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For more information visit http://tanzanianchildrensfund.org/
Registered Number: 36-3292374
The Advocates for Human Rights (formerly Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights) is an organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of internationally recognized human rights. The Advocates provides investigative fact finding, direct legal representation, collaboration for education and training, and a broad distribution of publications. The Advocates has produced more than 81 reports documenting human rights practices in more than 22 countries. Every year, The Advocates educates over 8,000 students and community members on human rights issues, and provides legal representation and assistance to over 1,000 disadvantaged individuals and families.
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For more information visit http://www.theadvocatesforhumanrights.org/
Registered Number: 84-1671995
Registered Number: 25-1017587
The Grant Foundation's purpose is to operate Hôpital Albert Schweitzer (HAS) in Haiti. The inspiration to establish Hôpital Albert Schweitzer in Haiti came to Larimer and Gwen Mellon through a 1947 Life Magazine article about Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Construction of the hospital began in 1954, and it was opened in 1956. The mission of Hôpital Albert Schweitzer is to collaborate with the people of the Artibonite Valley as they strive to improve their health and quality of life. HAS provides medical care and community health and development programs for more than 350,000 impoverished people in the Artibonite Valley of central Haiti.
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For more information visit http://www.hashaiti.org
Registered Number: 22-2700013
The Haitian Project, founded in the early 1980's, is a Catholic Mission which supports and operates Louverture Cleary School (LCS), a tuition-free, Catholic, co-educational secondary boarding school in Haiti. The Haitian Project through Louverture Cleary School, educates and nurtures academically talented and motivated students from Haitian families who cannot afford the cost of their children's education in order to maximize their potential and enable them to work toward building a Haiti where justice and peace thrive.
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For more information visit http://haitianproject.org/
Registered Number: 20-8635797
Operating in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) since 2005 under the direction of Dr. Harry and Echo (PAC) VanderWal, The Luke Commission (TLC) takes free health care and hope to the most isolated and underserved populations, in partnership with the Swazi people and the Ministry of Health. Mobile hospital outreach sites are set up in outermost parts of this small country, whose population is fighting for its very existence. HIV/AIDS has taken the lives of countless Swazis and left one-fifth of the children as orphans. Delaying orphanhood. That became one of the main aims of The Luke Commission. TLC has grown from a staff of 8 delivering 4 medical services through mobile medical outreaches serving 7,000 patients a year, to a staff of 500 (98% Swazi) delivering 42 medical services to 120,000 patients a year. TLC's motto is Every Last One, TLC doesn't leave a mobile outreach until every patient is treated. Today TLC is a critical care provider in the fight against COVID 19 in Eswatini.
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For more information visit http://www.lukecommission.org/
Registered Number: 20-0636360
Registered Number: 26-1455510
The Water Project unlocks human potential by providing reliable water projects to communities in sub-Saharan Africa who suffer needlessly from a lack of access to clean water and proper sanitation. For ten years, we have been helping communities gain access to clean, safe water by providing training, expertise and financial support for water project construction through our staff and implementing partners. We are committed to bringing people together to solve the problem of finding clean water. We invest in local teams who provide clean water and unlock potential in the villages where people live.
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For more information visit https://thewaterproject.org/
Registered Number: 35-2012757
Timmy Global Health expands access to healthcare and empowers students and volunteers to tackle today's most pressing global health challenges. To achieve this goal, Timmy sends medical service teams to support the work of international partner organizations, channels financial, medical, and human resources to community based health and development projects, and works to empower students at U.S. high schools and colleges to fundraise, advocate, and serve in an effort to fight health disparities at home and abroad.
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For more information visit http://www.timmyglobalhealth.org
Registered Number: 20-0031928
Together Women Rise is a powerful community of women and allies dedicated to achieving global gender equality. Across the U.S., members learn about and advocate for gender equality issues, give grants to organizations that empower women and girls in low-income countries, and build a community to forge meaningful connections that increase our strength and collective impact. Every person deserves the same opportunities to thrive, regardless of race, gender, wealth, or where they happen to be born. Yet, inequality continues to shut doors of opportunity and limit independence for women and girls everywhere. In particular, across the global south, millions of women live in extreme poverty and without access to personal freedoms or opportunities to reach their full potential. Every woman deserves the fundamental human right to live freely and pursue dreams. We believe that gender equality is achievable, and that determined women and allies together in community can achieve anything.
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For more information visit http://togetherwomenrise.org/
Registered Number: 48-0979347
Trees for Life demonstrates that when a few dedicated people work toward one common goal, something extraordinary happens. The combination of their diverse skills creates a force that can move mountains. That force empowers anyone, including those in poor communities of developing countries.Our mission is to create hope through a movement in which people join hands to break the cycle of poverty and hunger and care for our earth. Our activities serve communities in the areas of education, health, and the environment.
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For more information visit http://www.treesforlife.org
Registered Number: 52-1644869
Trees for the Future is dedicated to improving the livelihoods of impoverished farmers by revitalizing degraded lands. Millions of impoverished, smallholder farmers in the developing world use environmentally destructive farming methods to meet the needs of their families. These farmers are resource poor and they face significant risks in adopting new production techniques. This dilemma traps them in a cycle of poverty and promotes harmful land use practices that limit the potential of the land today and in the future.We envision a world where farmers can leave a legacy of opportunity through sustainable farming and forestry practices while also using their land productively.
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For more information visit http://www.trees.org
Registered Number: 52-2151557
Founded in 2000, Vital Voices Global Partnership identifies, trains, and empowers emerging women leaders and social entrepreneurs around the globe, enabling them to create a better world for us all. We provide these women with the capacity, connections, and credibility they need to unlock their leadership potential. Vital Voices believes in the transformative value of women's participation in society. We invest in women who are creating economic opportunities, advancing political reform, and safeguarding human rights.
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For more information visit http://www.vitalvoices.org/
Registered Number: 20-2601035
Water1st International's mission is to enable the world's poorest people to implement and sustain community-managed projects integrating clean water supply, toilets, and hygiene education. We unite people to fight the global water and sanitation crisis. We believe this worldwide, silent catastrophe will be solved when people come together as a concerned community and take effective, simple actions. Water1st was created to support water projects that would last. Our vision was to support local, on-the-ground organizations (our partners in this work) with a proven track record of implementing effective, long-lasting water and sanitation projects. And since most international nonprofit organizations do not follow up on their projects, we would be different.
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For more information visit https://water1st.org/
Registered Number: 26-3260581
Eradicating the world's water crisis through local, missional businesses. Water4 is focused on professionalizing the provision of safe water by equipping a network of missional entrepreneurs throughout sub-Saharan Africa to create lasting economic, physical, and spiritual change through market-based and operationally-contextual safe water solutions. This approach puts the solutions to local problems in the hands of local people and ensures that safe water access is sustained by local resources for lasting impact. An empowered, connected, and professionalized human network that is equipped with innovative and sustainability-focused technologies, aligned with policy makers, and on fire with faith is what we hope to leave behind in our mission of making 'impossible' become 'history.'
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For more information visit https://water4.org/
Registered Number: 20-8877288
Wine To Water is committed to supporting life and dignity for all through the power of clean water. We as an organization not only raise funds to combat the world water crisis, but execute our own programs in the field as well. Currently, Wine To Water has four international offices in: Nepal, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Tanzania. This means that, in each of these four countries, Wine To Water employs a collaboration of qualified nationals who work full time toward sustainable clean water solutions catered to the specific country's needs.
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For more information visit https://www.winetowater.org/
Registered Number: 43-0909606
Wings of Hope changes and saves lives through the power of aviation. In the U.S., the nonprofit provides medical air transport services - free of charge - to individuals who need access to specialized medical care. The organization also works in nine countries outside of the U.S., working with in-country partners to fly people in remote areas to emergency medical care and fly doctors into communities with no local health care. Wings of Hope has been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2018, Wings of Hope directly served more than 67,000 people worldwide. Visit wingsofhope.ngo or call 636-537-1302.
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For more information visit http://www.wingsofhope.ngo
Registered Number: 94-1156356
The World Affairs Council was founded in 1947 out of the interest generated by the founding of the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945. With over 11,000 members, we are the largest international affairs organization on the West Coast. In addition to our headquarters in San Francisco's Union Square, we serve members through chapters in East Bay, Marin, Sacramento and on the Peninsula. World Affairs Council of Northern California is the largest affiliate of the World Affairs Councils of America. Our mission is to engage the public in the exploration of issues and opportunities that transcend borders. We do this by hosting events and conferences with the leaders who impact global affairs, and reaching out to students, teachers, and young professionals.
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For more information visit https://www.worldaffairs.org/
Registered Number: 91-0586924
The World Affairs Council links Greater Seattle to the world. World Affairs Council programs provide opportunities for everyone in Greater Seattle to be a global citizen by advancing a deep understanding of international events and culture. As a hub for all things international, the World Affairs Council creates programs and opportunities for local people to interact directly with leaders, educators, and professionals from around the world.
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For more information visit http://www.world-affairs.org/
Registered Number: 20-5080679
World Bicycle Relief mobilizes people through the power of bicycles. Our vision is a world where distance is no longer a barrier to education, healthcare and economic opportunity. Compared to walking, bicycles represent an enormous leap in productivity and access to healthcare, education and economic development opportunities. The simple, sustainable nature of bicycles empowers individuals, families and communities. With over 238,000 bicycles in the field and more than 1,000 field mechanics trained, World Bicycle Relief is changing lives across Africa. World Bicycle Relief and its partners have assembly facilities in Angola, Kenya, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe and has supplied bicycles through programs in Angola, Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Peru, the Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
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For more information visit http://www.worldbicyclerelief.org/
Registered Number: 73-0707328
World Neighbors is an international development organization striving to eliminate hunger, poverty and disease in the poorest, most isolated rural villages in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. World Neighbors invests in people and their communities by training and inspiring them to create their own life-changing solutions through programs in agriculture, literacy, water, health and environmental protection. Since 1951, more than 27 million people in 45 countries have transformed their lives with the support of World Neighbors. Our programs focus on hunger, poverty, disease and the environment. Communities tell World Neighbors what their needs are, and World Neighbors, in turn, works with them to acquire the knowledge, skills and organization to solve their problems.
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For more information visit http://www.wn.org
Registered Number: 41-2065177
Registered Number: 52-1440944
World Villages for Children (previously known as Asian Relief, Inc.) provides financial support to the charity programs of the Sisters of Mary in South Korea, the Philippines, Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Honduras and Tanzania. We provide food, care and education for the poorest of the poor children who, through no fault of their own, fall victim to circumstances that have far-reaching consequences for their education and living environment. We provide over 20,000 children with high quality middle school and high school education along with vocational training relevant to local industries and businesses. When the children graduate from high school and leave our villages, the Sisters help them find a job as well as their own place to live. Already more than 150,000 graduates have broken free from a life of poverty and are gainfully employed. Many of our graduates are professionals and have continued their studies in college.
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For more information visit http://www.worldvillages.org/
Registered Number: 43-1535009
WorldServe starts with water as the foundation for communities to become self-sufficient, capable of adding additional services such as health care, sanitation, job training, and education. WorldServe's primary strategy is the drilling of boreholes for water wells. WorldServe works in partnership with local leaders to ensure that well sites are built and maintained for sustainability. A key outcome is that, instead of walking several hours to a dirty water source, village women and girls can secure clean water in perhaps 15 minutes, allowing economy and education to flourish as time is spent more productively. Health issues diminish further as hygiene can be learned and practiced.
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For more information visit http://www.worldserveintl.org/
Registered Number: 36-4476244
Founded in 2001, the Zakat Foundation of America aims to foster charitable giving and help generous and caring people reach out to those in need with direct aid. We strive to bridge the gap between our financially privileged donors and our beneficiaries in financial need, as we believe that the first group has responsibilities towards the second. Zakat Foundation is dedicated to alleviating the immediate needs of the poorest communities by providing food, shelter, health care and by delivering relief in emergencies. Zakat Foundation also provides education and training in order to equip people with the skills to help themselves.
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For more information visit http://zakat.org/